Research shows that humans have about 6000 thoughts a day. Have you ever taken the time to slow down and pay attention to all those thoughts going through your brain? Especially those that have to do with yourself? When you think about yourself, react to yourself, or look at yourself, do you catch what you are thinking?
Sometimes the thoughts are so sneaky. We don’t think much of it. Just let it come in, most of the time agree with it, then move on with our day. Then we do it again. And then we do it again.
Unknowing to us, those repeating thoughts we are thinking about ourselves are becoming our internal programming. Our Self-concept. And our self concept is what creates our entire reality. It shapes how we see the world, and how we expect the world to see us.
Our self-concept can give us a life of peace, or it can give us a life of anxiety, doubt and dread of the future and regret of the past.

Have you ever paid attention to how many of your jokes are ones of self-depreciation? Even those jokes that you think are just silly are re-writing your subconscious brain.
How do I know all of this?
Because I’ve lived the transformation of changing my self-concept from one of self-hatred, shame, and insecurity to one of compassion, love, and fondness for myself.
This transformation I went through is what fuels my desire to impact people’s lives through the power of portrait experiences. Not only do I want to give people images of themselves that change how they see their physical body, but I want to coach them into feeling confident. I want to give them tools they can take away from our time together to use to build a better self-concept for themselves.

Everything begins with you. It all begins with how you feel about yourself. It is all about how you think people see you.
Watch yourself for the next few days….Observe your thoughts.
And when you hear a negative one make a CHOICE to flip the thought to ones that sound like
I am enough
I am more than enough
I am beautiful inside and out
I am perfect just the way I am
People love me because I am lovable
I deserve good things
I am loved
I am important.
The power of these statements can be life-changing. I have witnessed it myself in my journey of self-love as well as others that I have coached.Choose to talk to yourself in a way that you would someone you love. You deserve it, so very much.
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