Hello, I'm Heather, 

"And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

For over a decade, I have been absolutely in love with documenting humans in their most authentic, beautiful light. When I first picked up my camera, I thought that I would just be taking pretty pictures, but soon I realized that I could do so much more.

A photograph can change how someone sees themselves. I have seen my subjects bloom right in front of my face once they felt the comfortability to be themselves indeed. They relaxed and let their light shine, and I got to document their essence in a photograph. It has become a borderline obsession of mine to share this gift with people to see how beautiful I see them be and the people who love them see them be.

The entire world spends it’s time making us feel like we aren’t enough. Not pretty enough, not sexy enough or not enough to make it in a world dominated by unrealistic standards of perfection. When you scroll through a curated, overly perfected, photoshopped Instagram feed they try to sell you the lie that you just aren't good enough.

But you are good enough. And it's my goal to show every human I meet that they are.

When we see ourselves as a beautiful, powerful force, our whole world reflects that. This is my true belief when I say, "Self-love is the answer," it is not just a catchphrase. It's how I have seen my life shift and the lives of my clients after I was able to show them how remarkable they are.


A San Francisco Bay Area Boudoir Photographer

Xoxo, Heather


Get to know me

Things that bring me joy

My Doggie
My Kitties

Favorite Color : 

Emerald Green

Favorite season : 


Favorite Food : 


How I de-stress : 


Favorite Show : 

Game of Thrones 

My Pets

Pikachu + Charley


Follow me on instagram

FOLLOW ALONG @ohgoodnessheather

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